
Project 2025: A Threat to Freedoms and Democratic Foundations in America

By: Paul Oriordan

Project 2025, devised by the conservative Heritage Foundation, signifies a profound and alarming departure from established American governance. This extensive right-wing blueprint poses significant risks to scientific integrity, public health, environmental protection, and democratic norms by embedding conservative ideologies into federal civil services.

Sabotaging Climate and Environmental Policies

Central to Project 2025 is an aggressive strategy to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), fundamentally weakening its role in environmental health. The plan seeks to prioritize industrial profits over public health by diminishing the role of "co-benefits" such as reductions in multiple pollutants—a move that contradicts the Clean Air Act of 1970, which emphasizes human health over economic gain. Furthermore, Project 2025 proposes revisiting the classification of hazardous chemicals like PFASs, despite their well-documented dangers to health and the environment. These changes threaten to undo decades of environmental progress and exacerbate the climate crisis.

Undermining Scientific Independence

The plan also jeopardizes the autonomy of scientific institutions by reclassifying thousands of civil service positions as political appointees. This shift would grant unprecedented control over nonpartisan agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to the President. Experts warn that this could severely compromise the objectivity and reliability of critical scientific research, eroding trust in scientific findings and undermining evidence-based policymaking.

Health Care and Social Policies

In the realm of health care, Project 2025 proposes drastic cuts to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), potentially stripping millions of their health coverage. The plan specifically targets LGBTQ+ individuals by dismantling anti-discrimination protections and limiting access to gender-affirming care. Additionally, it aims to redefine the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as the "Department of Life," advancing a conservative anti-abortion agenda. These changes could severely restrict health care access and erode protections for marginalized communities.

Impact on Education and International Talent

Project 2025 calls for the abolition of the Department of Education and the termination of student loan forgiveness programs. It proposes narrowing Title IX protections by excluding considerations for gender identity and sexual orientation, potentially undermining student protections. The plan also threatens to deter international talent by eliminating lower wage levels for H-1B visa holders, which could diminish the pool of skilled professionals in critical STEM fields and negatively impact the nation's global competitiveness.

Agricultural and Nutritional Setbacks

The plan aims to cut eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and restrict school meal programs, despite evidence that such programs enhance academic performance. By focusing the USDA solely on food production and abandoning renewable energy initiatives, Project 2025 risks neglecting crucial aspects of public health and environmental sustainability.

Technological Reductions and Nuclear Expansion

Project 2025 advocates for reducing federal support for electric vehicle production while proposing a substantial increase in the U.S. thermonuclear arsenal. This expansion includes a readiness to test nuclear weapons, potentially violating the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Such measures could undermine efforts to combat climate change and provoke new arms races, increasing global nuclear tensions.

Ambitious but Dangerous

The nearly 900-page document of Project 2025, recently unveiled, presents an ambitious and controversial vision that contrasts sharply with the more restrained official Republican platform. Despite former President Donald Trump’s public disavowal of the project, it includes contributions from key former aides and enjoys support from over 100 conservative organizations. The plan outlines four main policy aims: restoring traditional family values, dismantling the administrative state, defending national sovereignty, and securing individual rights. Critics argue that these goals mask a dangerous agenda threatening democratic norms and civil liberties.

Key Proposals of Project 2025

The Future of Project 2025

With a $22 million budget, Project 2025 outlines strategies for immediate implementation following a potential inauguration. Heritage is assembling a database of conservative loyalists for government roles and training them for these positions. Opposition is mounting, with Democrats launching a Stop Project 2025 Task Force. The potential for legal challenges and public scrutiny of these extreme proposals will likely shape the political discourse leading up to the election.

As the election approaches, the stark contrast between Project 2025’s radical proposals and the official Republican platform underscores the critical need for public debate and scrutiny. The plan’s potential to erode democratic norms and civil liberties highlights the urgency of examining its implications for American governance.